2023 | |
Ahmadi N, Zoch M, Sedlmayr B, Schuler K, Hahn W, Sedlmayr M, Wolfien M
Context-Sensitive Common Data Models for Genetic Rare Diseases - A Concept. Studies in health technology and informatics 305 (2023) 139-140, DOI Link |
Sedlmayr M, Sedlmayr B
Digitalisierung der Leitlinienarbeit und Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme. In: C. Günster, J. Klauber, D. Klemperer, M. Nothacker, B.‑P. Robra, C. Schmuker: Versorgungs-Report. Leitlinien – Evidenz für die Praxis. Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft. (2023), ISBN: 978-3-95466-800-7 |
Kählig M, Susky M, Hickmann E, Grummt S, Richter D, Richter P, Weidner J, Sedlmayr M, Seim A
Multi-Case-Studie zu Barrieren und förderlichen Faktoren der digitalen Kompetenz von Patienten – Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz HMD (2023), DOI Link |
Schüttler C, Zerlik M, Gruendner J, Köhler T, Rosenau L, Prokosch HU, Sedlmayr B
Empowering Researchers to Query Medical Data and Biospecimens by Ensuring Appropriate Usability of a Feasibility Tool: Evaluation Study. JMIR human factors 10 (2023) e43782, DOI Link |
Schütze D, Holtz S, Neff MC, Köhler SM, Schaaf J, Frischen LS, Sedlmayr B, Müller BS
Requirements analysis for an AI-based clinical decision support system for general practitioners: a user-centered design process. BMC medical informatics and decision making 23 (2023) 144, DOI Link |
2022 | |
Bathelt F, Reinecke I, Sedlmayr B, Höhne S, Gierschner C, Sedlmayr M
Visualization of Medical Wearable-Data Using SMART-on-FHIR - A Concept for an Interdisciplinary Complex Practical Course. Studies in health technology and informatics 298 (2022) 61-65, DOI Link |
Sedlmayr B, Sedlmayr M, Kroll B, Prokosch HU, Gruendner J, Schüttler C
Improving COVID-19 Research of University Hospitals in Germany: Formative Usability Evaluation of the CODEX Feasibility Portal. Applied clinical informatics 13 (2022) 400-409, DOI Link |
Zerlik M, Jung IC, Sehr T, Hennings F, Kamann C, Brandt MD, Sedlmayr M, Sedlmayr B
A pragmatic methodical framework for the user-centred development of an electronic process support for the sleep laboratory patients' management. Digital health 8 (2022) 20552076221134437, DOI Link |
Gruendner J, Deppenwiese N, Folz M, Köhler T, Kroll B, Prokosch HU, Rosenau L, Rühle M, Scheidl MA, Schüttler C, Sedlmayr B, Twrdik A, Kiel A, Majeed RW
The Architecture of a Feasibility Query Portal for Distributed COVID-19 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Patient Data Repositories: Design and Implementation Study. JMIR medical informatics 10 (2022) e36709, DOI Link |
Schaaf J, Sedlmayr M, Sedlmayr B, Storf H
User-Centred Development of a Diagnosis Support System for Rare Diseases. Studies in health technology and informatics 293 (2022) 11-18, DOI Link |
2021 | |
Leutner LA, Bathelt F, Sedlmayr B, Sedlmayr M, Zoch M
Development of a Dashboard for Rare Diseases - A Technical Case Report. Studies in health technology and informatics 283 (2021) 78-85, DOI Link |
Sedlmayr B, Ahmadi N, Jung IC, Zerlik M, Sedlmayr M
Prospective user-friendly design of clinical decision support systems – first results of the Junior Research Group CDS2USE GMDS 2021 (2021), DOI Link |
Zoch M, Sedlmayr B, Knapp A, Bathelt F, Helfer S, Schmitt J, Sedlmayr M
Interdisciplinary care path and potential IT support for people with rare diseases in Germany. Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen (2021), DOI Link |
Schaaf J, Sedlmayr M, Sedlmayr B, Prokosch HU, Storf H
Evaluation of a clinical decision support system for rare diseases: a qualitative study. BMC medical informatics and decision making 21 (2021) 65, DOI Link |
Schüttler C, Prokosch HU, Sedlmayr M, Sedlmayr B
Evaluation of Three Feasibility Tools for Identifying Patient Data and Biospecimen Availability: Comparative Usability Study. JMIR medical informatics 9 (2021) e25531, DOI Link |
Zahn J, Wimmer S, Rödle W, Toni I, Sedlmayr B, Prokosch HU, Rascher W, Neubert A
Development and Evaluation of a Web-Based Paediatric Drug Information System for Germany. Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland) 9 (2021), DOI Link |
2020 | |
Sedlmayr B, Knapp A, Kümmel M, Bathelt F, Sedlmayr M
Evaluation of a future scenario concerning the use of big data applications to improve the care of people with rare diseases. Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen (2020), DOI Link |