2024 | |
Ahmadi N, Nguyen QV, Sedlmayr M, Wolfien M
A comparative patient-level prediction study in OMOP CDM: applicative potential and insights from synthetic data. Scientific reports 14 (2024) 2287, DOI Link |
Ahmadi N, Zoch M, Guengoeze O, Facchinello C, Mondorf A, Stratmann K, Musleh K, Erasmus HP, Tchertov J, Gebler R, Schaaf J, Frischen LS, Nasirian A, Dai J, Henke E, Tremblay D, Srisuwananukorn A, Bornhäuser M, Röllig C, Eckardt JN, Middeke JM, Wolfien M, Sedlmayr M
How to customize common data models for rare diseases: an OMOP-based implementation and lessons learned. Orphanet journal of rare diseases 19 (2024) 298, DOI Link |
Gebler R, Lehmann M, Löwe M, Gruhl M, Wolfien M, Goldammer M, Bathelt F, Karschau J, Hasselberg A, Bierbaum V, Lange T, Polotzek K, Held HC, Albrecht M, Schmitt J, Sedlmayr M
Supporting regional pandemic management by enabling self-service reporting-A case report. PloS one 19 (2024) e0297039, DOI Link |
Henke E, Zoch M, Peng Y, Reinecke I, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F
Conceptual design of a generic data harmonization process for OMOP common data model. BMC medical informatics and decision making 24 (2024) 58, DOI Link |
Peng Y, Bathelt F, Gebler R, Gött R, Heidenreich A, Henke E, Kadioglu D, Lorenz S, Vengadeswaran A, Sedlmayr M
Use of Metadata-Driven Approaches for Data Harmonization in the Medical Domain: Scoping Review. JMIR medical informatics 12 (2024) e52967, DOI Link |
Weidner J, Kern I, Reinecke I, Bathelt F, Manuwald U, Henke E, Zoch M, Rothe U, Kugler J
A systematic review and meta-regression on international trends in the incidence of ulcerative colitis in children and adolescents associated with socioeconomic and geographic factors. European journal of pediatrics (2024), DOI Link |
Zoch M, Gierschner C, Andreeff AK, Henke E, Sedlmayr M, Müller G, Tippmann J, Hebestreit H, Choukair D, Hoffmann GF, Fritz-Kebede F, Toepfner N, Berner R, Biergans S, Verbücheln R, Schaaf J, Fleck J, Wirth FN, Schepers J, Prasser F
Secondary use of patient data within decentralized studies using the example of rare diseases in Germany: A data scientist's exploration of process and lessons learned. Digital health 10 (2024) 20552076241265219, DOI Link |
Zoch M, Gierschner C, Gebler R, Leutner LA, Kretschmer T, Danker A, Lee-Kirsch MA, Berner R, Sedlmayr M
Transition database for rare diseases and its use for clinical documentation. Health informatics journal 30 (2024) 14604582241259322, DOI Link |
Bahrami B, Wolfien M, Nikpour P
Integrated analysis of transcriptome and epigenome reveals ENSR00000272060 as a potential biomarker in gastric cancer. Epigenomics 16 (2024) 159-173, DOI Link |
Neff MC, Schaaf J, Noll R, Holtz S, Schütze D, Köhler SM, Müller B, Ahmadi N, von Wagner M, Storf H
Initial User-Centred Design of an AI-Based Clinical Decision Support System for Primary Care. Studies in health technology and informatics 310 (2024) 1051-1055, DOI Link |
Schultz K, Bej S, Hahn W, Wolfien M, Srivastava P, Wolkenhauer O
ConvGeN: A convex space learning approach for deep-generative oversampling and imbalanced classification of small tabular datasets Pattern Recognition (2024), DOI Link |
Zhou X, Kern I, Rothe U, Schoffer O, Weidner J, Richter T, Laass MW, Kugler J, Manuwald U
Growth development of children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease in the period 2000-2014 based on data of the Saxon pediatric IBD registry: a population-based study. BMC gastroenterology 24 (2024) 25, DOI Link |
2023 | |
Ahmadi N, Zoch M, Sedlmayr B, Schuler K, Hahn W, Sedlmayr M, Wolfien M
Context-Sensitive Common Data Models for Genetic Rare Diseases - A Concept. Studies in health technology and informatics 305 (2023) 139-140, DOI Link |
Ahmadi N, Zoch M, Kelbert P, Noll R, Schaaf J, Wolfien M, Sedlmayr M
Methods Used in the Development of Common Data Models for Health Data: Scoping Review. JMIR medical informatics 11 (2023) e45116, DOI Link |
Haase L, Winter J
User Drafts for the Design of an mHealth Application for Equestrians. Studies in health technology and informatics 309 (2023) 294-295, DOI Link |
Henke E, Peng Y, Reinecke I, Zoch M, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F
An Extract-Transform-Load Process Design for the Incremental Loading of German Real-World Data Based on FHIR and OMOP CDM: Algorithm Development and Validation. JMIR medical informatics 11 (2023) e47310, DOI Link |
Henke E, Zoch M, Reinecke I, Spoden M, Ruhnke T, Günster C, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F
German Claims Data for Real-World Research: Content Coverage Evaluation in OMOP CDM. Studies in health technology and informatics 302 (2023) 3-7, DOI Link |
Henke E, Zoch M, Kallfelz M, Ruhnke T, Leutner LA, Spoden M, Günster C, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F
Assessing the Use of German Claims Data Vocabularies for Research in the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model: Development and Evaluation Study. JMIR medical informatics 11 (2023) e47959, DOI Link |
Lorenz S, Gebler R, Bathelt F, Sedlmayr M, Reinecke I
Evaluation of Modeling Approaches for a Clinical Data Warehouse in a Highly Dynamic Environment. Studies in health technology and informatics 302 (2023) 753-754, DOI Link |
Peng Y, Henke E, Reinecke I, Zoch M, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F
An ETL-process design for data harmonization to participate in international research with German real-world data based on FHIR and OMOP CDM. International journal of medical informatics 169 (2023) 104925, DOI Link |
Peng Y, Henke E, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F
Towards ETL Processes to OMOP CDM Using Metadata and Modularization. Studies in health technology and informatics 302 (2023) 751-752, DOI Link |
Reinecke I, Siebel J, Fuhrmann S, Fischer A, Sedlmayr M, Weidner J, Bathelt F
Assessment and Improvement of Drug Data Structuredness From Electronic Health Records: Algorithm Development and Validation. JMIR medical informatics 11 (2023) e40312, DOI Link |
Sedlmayr M, Sedlmayr B
Digitalisierung der Leitlinienarbeit und Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme. In: C. Günster, J. Klauber, D. Klemperer, M. Nothacker, B.‑P. Robra, C. Schmuker: Versorgungs-Report. Leitlinien – Evidenz für die Praxis. Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft. (2023), ISBN: 978-3-95466-800-7 |
Weidner J
IBD: Who Knows Best? Digestive diseases and sciences (2023), DOI Link |
Wolfien M, Ahmadi N, Fitzer K, Grummt S, Heine KL, Jung IC, Krefting D, Kühn A, Peng Y, Reinecke I, Scheel J, Schmidt T, Schmücker P, Schüttler C, Waltemath D, Zoch M, Sedlmayr M
Ten Topics to Get Started in Medical Informatics Research. Journal of medical Internet research 25 (2023) e45948, DOI Link |
Bühler D, Power Guerra N, Müller L, Wolkenhauer O, Düffer M, Vollmar B, Kuhla A, Wolfien M
Leptin deficiency-caused behavioral change - A comparative analysis using EthoVision and DeepLabCut. Frontiers in neuroscience 17 (2023) 1052079, DOI Link |
Dong F, Kern I, Weidner J, Kügler K, Rothe U, Amin M, Laaß MW, Flemming G, Winkler U, Richter T, Kugler J, Manuwald U
Clinical course of new-onset Crohn's disease in children and adolescents in dependency of age, initial location, initial severity level and therapy over the period 2000-2014 based on the Saxon Pediatric IBD-Registry in Germany. PloS one 18 (2023) e0287860, DOI Link |
Krefting D, Arzt M, Maurer JT, Penzel T, Prasser F, Sedlmayr M, Schöbel C
Sleep apnea healthcare management in dynamically changing times Somnologie (2023), DOI Link |
Kählig M, Susky M, Hickmann E, Grummt S, Richter D, Richter P, Weidner J, Sedlmayr M, Seim A
Multi-Case-Studie zu Barrieren und förderlichen Faktoren der digitalen Kompetenz von Patienten – Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz HMD (2023), DOI Link |
Lang CI, Dahmen A, Vasudevan P, Lemcke H, Gäbel R, Öner A, Ince H, David R, Wolfien M
Cardiac cell therapies for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction in mice: systematic review and meta-analysis. Cytotherapy (2023), DOI Link |
Ostropolets A, Albogami Y, Conover M, Banda JM, Baumgartner WA, Blacketer C, Desai P, DuVall SL, Fortin S, Gilbert JP, Golozar A, Ide J, Kanter AS, Kern DM, Kim C, Lai LYH, Li C, Liu F, Lynch KE, Minty E, Neves MI, Ng DQ, Obene T, Pera V, Pratt N, Rao G, Rappoport N, Reinecke I, Saroufim P, Shoaibi A, Simon K, Suchard MA, Swerdel JN, Voss EA, Weaver J, Zhang L, Hripcsak G, Ryan PB
Reproducible variability: assessing investigator discordance across 9 research teams attempting to reproduce the same observational study. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA (2023), DOI Link |
Scheel J, Hoch M, Wolfien M, Gupta S
NaviCenta - The disease map for placental research. Placenta 143 (2023) 12-15, DOI Link |
Schüttler C, Zerlik M, Gruendner J, Köhler T, Rosenau L, Prokosch HU, Sedlmayr B
Empowering Researchers to Query Medical Data and Biospecimens by Ensuring Appropriate Usability of a Feasibility Tool: Evaluation Study. JMIR human factors 10 (2023) e43782, DOI Link |
Schütze D, Holtz S, Neff MC, Köhler SM, Schaaf J, Frischen LS, Sedlmayr B, Müller BS
Requirements analysis for an AI-based clinical decision support system for general practitioners: a user-centered design process. BMC medical informatics and decision making 23 (2023) 144, DOI Link |
Vasudevan P, Wolfien M, Lemcke H, Lang CI, Skorska A, Gaebel R, Galow AM, Koczan D, Lindner T, Bergmann W, Mueller-Hilke B, Vollmar B, Krause BJ, Wolkenhauer O, Steinhoff G, David R
CCR2 macrophage response determines the functional outcome following cardiomyocyte transplantation. Genome medicine 15 (2023) 61, DOI Link |
2022 | |
Ahmadi N, Peng Y, Wolfien M, Zoch M, Sedlmayr M
Cancer Prediction on OMOP CDM – a Rapid Review GMDS 2022 (2022), DOI Link |
Ahmadi N, Peng Y, Wolfien M, Zoch M, Sedlmayr M
OMOP CDM Can Facilitate Data-Driven Studies for Cancer Prediction: A Systematic Review. International journal of molecular sciences 23 (2022), DOI Link |
Bathelt F, Reinecke I, Peng Y, Henke E, Weidner J, Bartos M, Gött R, Waltemath D, Engelmann K, Schwarz PE, Sedlmayr M
Opportunities of Digital Infrastructures for Disease Management-Exemplified on COVID-19-Related Change in Diagnosis Counts for Diabetes-Related Eye Diseases. Nutrients 14 (2022), DOI Link |
Bathelt F, Reinecke I, Sedlmayr B, Höhne S, Gierschner C, Sedlmayr M
Visualization of Medical Wearable-Data Using SMART-on-FHIR - A Concept for an Interdisciplinary Complex Practical Course. Studies in health technology and informatics 298 (2022) 61-65, DOI Link |
Hahn W, Schütte K, Schultz K, Wolkenhauer O, Sedlmayr M, Schuler U, Eichler M, Bej S, Wolfien M
Contribution of Synthetic Data Generation towards an Improved Patient Stratification in Palliative Care. Journal of personalized medicine 12 (2022), DOI Link |
Henke E, Reinecke I, Zoch M, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F
Towards the Improvement of Clinical Guidelines Based on Real World Data. Studies in health technology and informatics 294 (2022) 480-484, DOI Link |
Henke E, Zoch M, Bathelt F, Spoden M, Ruhnke T, Günster C, Sedlmayr M
Identifikation von Gemeinsamkeiten klinischer Daten und GKV-Routinedaten für deren Verknüpfung in OMOP CDM zur stationären Qualitätsmessung GMDS 2022 (2022), DOI Link |
Reinecke I, Bathelt F, Sedlmayr M, Kühn A
Pharmaceutical Feedback Loop - A Concept to Improve Prescription Safety and Data Quality. Studies in health technology and informatics 298 (2022) 73-77, DOI Link |
Reinecke I, Gruhl M, Pinnau M, Altun FB, Folz M, Zoch M, Bathelt F, Sedlmayr M
An OHDSI ATLAS Extension to Support Feasibility Requests in a Research Network. Studies in health technology and informatics 295 (2022) 515-516, DOI Link |
Reinecke I, Kallfelz M, Sedlmayr M, Siebel J, Bathelt F
Evaluation and Challenges of Medical Procedure Data Harmonization to SNOMED-CT for Observational Research. Studies in health technology and informatics 294 (2022) 405-406, DOI Link |
Sedlmayr B, Sedlmayr M, Kroll B, Prokosch HU, Gruendner J, Schüttler C
Improving COVID-19 Research of University Hospitals in Germany: Formative Usability Evaluation of the CODEX Feasibility Portal. Applied clinical informatics 13 (2022) 400-409, DOI Link |
Zerlik M, Jung IC, Sehr T, Hennings F, Kamann C, Brandt MD, Sedlmayr M, Sedlmayr B
A pragmatic methodical framework for the user-centred development of an electronic process support for the sleep laboratory patients' management. Digital health 8 (2022) 20552076221134437, DOI Link |
Ahmad B, Skorska A, Wolfien M, Sadraddin H, Lemcke H, Vasudevan P, Wolkenhauer O, Steinhoff G, David R, Gaebel R
The Effects of Hypoxic Preconditioned Murine Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Post-Infarct Arrhythmias in the Mouse Model. International journal of molecular sciences 23 (2022), DOI Link |
Bergmann A, Petermann J, Funck S, Bothur M, Flohrs K, Tesch F, Weidner J, Riemenschneider H
Antibiotikaverordnungen in der ambulanten hausärztlichen und gynäkologischen Versorgung in Sachsen am Beispiel unkomplizierter Zystitis – das Projekt AvoZyst Spitzenforschung in der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (2022) S. 8 – 12 |
Gerdemann SC, Tippmann J, Dietrich B, Engelmann JM, Hepach R
Young children show negative emotions after failing to help others. PloS one 17 (2022) e0266539, DOI Link |
Gruendner J, Deppenwiese N, Folz M, Köhler T, Kroll B, Prokosch HU, Rosenau L, Rühle M, Scheidl MA, Schüttler C, Sedlmayr B, Twrdik A, Kiel A, Majeed RW
The Architecture of a Feasibility Query Portal for Distributed COVID-19 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Patient Data Repositories: Design and Implementation Study. JMIR medical informatics 10 (2022) e36709, DOI Link |
Hoch M, Ehlers L, Bannert K, Stanke C, Brauer D, Caton V, Lamprecht G, Wolkenhauer O, Jaster R, Wolfien M
In silico investigation of molecular networks linking gastrointestinal diseases, malnutrition, and sarcopenia. Frontiers in nutrition 9 (2022) 989453, DOI Link |
Kern I, Schoffer O, Richter T, Kiess W, Flemming G, Winkler U, Quietzsch J, Wenzel O, Zurek M, Manuwald U, Hegewald J, Li S, Weidner J, de Laffolie J, Zimmer KP, Kugler J, Laass MW, Rothe U
Current and projected incidence trends of pediatric-onset inflammatory bowel disease in Germany based on the Saxon Pediatric IBD Registry 2000-2014 -a 15-year evaluation of trends. PloS one 17 (2022) e0274117, DOI Link |
Lünsmann BJ, Polotzek K, Kleber C, Gebler R, Bierbaum V, Walther F, Baum F, Juncken K, Forkert C, Lange T, Held HC, Mogwitz A, Weidemann RR, Sedlmayr M, Lakowa N, Stehr SN, Albrecht M, Karschau J, Schmitt J
Regional responsibility and coordination of appropriate inpatient care capacities for patients with COVID-19 - the German DISPENSE model. PloS one 17 (2022) e0262491, DOI Link |
Schaaf J, Sedlmayr M, Sedlmayr B, Storf H
User-Centred Development of a Diagnosis Support System for Rare Diseases. Studies in health technology and informatics 293 (2022) 11-18, DOI Link |
Vass A, Reinecke I, Boeker M, Prokosch HU, Gulden C
Availability of Structured Data Elements in Electronic Health Records for Supporting Patient Recruitment in Clinical Trials. Studies in health technology and informatics 290 (2022) 130-134, DOI Link |
2021 | |
Bathelt F, Kümmel M, Helfer S, Gruhl M, Sedlmayr M
Personalisierte Medizin live erleben In: Herrmann C., Berger U., Weiß C., Burkholder I., Rauch G., Kruppa J. (eds): Zeig mir Health Data Science! Springer Spektrum (2021), ISBN: 978-3-662-62192-9 |
Helfer S, Kümmel M, Bathelt F, Sedlmayr M
Generating Enriched Synthetic German Hospital Claims Data - A Use Case Driven Approach. Studies in health technology and informatics 278 (2021) 58-65, DOI Link |
Leutner LA, Bathelt F, Sedlmayr B, Sedlmayr M, Zoch M
Development of a Dashboard for Rare Diseases - A Technical Case Report. Studies in health technology and informatics 283 (2021) 78-85, DOI Link |
Peng Y, Nassirian A, Ahmadi N, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F
Towards the Representation of Genomic Data in HL7 FHIR and OMOP CDM. Studies in health technology and informatics 283 (2021) 86-94, DOI Link |
Reinecke I, Zoch M, Wilhelm M, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F
Transfer of Clinical Drug Data to a Research Infrastructure on OMOP - A FAIR Concept. Studies in health technology and informatics 287 (2021) 63-67, DOI Link |
Reinecke I, Zoch M, Reich C, Kallfeltz M, Grewe N, Sedlmayr M
OHDSI Germany – Join the Journey: A Workshop German Medical Science GMS Publishing House (2021), DOI Link |
Reinecke I, Zoch M, Reich C, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F
The Usage of OHDSI OMOP - A Scoping Review. Studies in health technology and informatics 283 (2021) 95-103, DOI Link |
Zoch M, Gierschner C, Peng Y, Gruhl M, Leutner LA, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F
Adaption of the OMOP CDM for Rare Diseases. Studies in health technology and informatics 281 (2021) 138-142, DOI Link |
Zoch M, Sedlmayr B, Knapp A, Bathelt F, Helfer S, Schmitt J, Sedlmayr M
Interdisciplinary care path and potential IT support for people with rare diseases in Germany. Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen (2021), DOI Link |
Gulden C, Blasini R, Nassirian A, Stein A, Altun FB, Kirchner M, Prokosch HU, Boeker M
Prototypical Clinical Trial Registry Based on Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR): Design and Implementation Study. JMIR medical informatics 9 (2021) e20470, DOI Link |
Kapsner LA, Mang JM, Mate S, Seuchter SA, Vengadeswaran A, Bathelt F, Deppenwiese N, Kadioglu D, Kraska D, Prokosch HU
Linking a Consortium-Wide Data Quality Assessment Tool with the MIRACUM Metadata Repository. Applied clinical informatics 12 (2021) 826-835, DOI Link |
Lange T, Deckert S, Beyer F, Hahn W, Einhart N, Roessler M, Sedlmayr M, Schmitt J, Lützner J
An individualized decision aid for physicians and patients for total knee replacement in osteoarthritis (Value-based TKR study): study protocol for a multi-center, stepped wedge, cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 22 (2021) 783, DOI Link |
Mikolas P, Bröckel K, Vogelbacher C, Müller DK, Marxen M, Berndt C, Sauer C, Jung S, Fröhner JH, Fallgatter AJ, Ethofer T, Rau A, Kircher T, Falkenberg I, Lambert M, Kraft V, Leopold K, Bechdolf A, Reif A, Matura S, Stamm T, Bermpohl F, Fiebig J, Juckel G, Flasbeck V, Correll CU, Ritter P, Bauer M, Jansen A, Pfennig A
Individuals at increased risk for development of bipolar disorder display structural alterations similar to people with manifest disease. Translational psychiatry 11 (2021) 485, DOI Link |
Röhrig R, Hübner U, Sedlmayr M
German Medical Data Sciences in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics - Reflections on the Fifth Volume. Studies in health technology and informatics 283 (2021) 3-11, DOI Link |
Schaaf J, Sedlmayr M, Sedlmayr B, Prokosch HU, Storf H
Evaluation of a clinical decision support system for rare diseases: a qualitative study. BMC medical informatics and decision making 21 (2021) 65, DOI Link |
Schaaf J, Sedlmayr M, Prokosch HU, Tegtbauer N, Kadioglu D, Schaefer J, Boeker M, Storf H
Visualization of Similar Patients in a Clinical Decision Support System for Rare Diseases - A Focus Group Study. Studies in health technology and informatics 278 (2021) 49-57, DOI Link |
Schüttler C, Prokosch HU, Sedlmayr M, Sedlmayr B
Evaluation of Three Feasibility Tools for Identifying Patient Data and Biospecimen Availability: Comparative Usability Study. JMIR medical informatics 9 (2021) e25531, DOI Link |
2020 | |
Bathelt F, Kümmel M, Helfer S, Kamann C, Sedlmayr M
Formal Modelling of FHIR Based, Medical Data Exchange Using Algebraic Petri Nets. Studies in health technology and informatics 270 (2020) 597-601, DOI Link |
Gruhl M, Reinecke I, Sedlmayr M
Specification and Distribution of Vocabularies Among Consortial Partners. Studies in health technology and informatics 270 (2020) 1393-1394, DOI Link |
Reinecke I, Gulden C, Kümmel M, Nassirian A, Blasini R, Sedlmayr M
Design for a Modular Clinical Trial Recruitment Support System Based on FHIR and OMOP. Studies in health technology and informatics 270 (2020) 158-162, DOI Link |
Sedlmayr B, Knapp A, Kümmel M, Bathelt F, Sedlmayr M
Evaluation of a future scenario concerning the use of big data applications to improve the care of people with rare diseases. Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen (2020), DOI Link |
Eismann H, Schild S, Neuhaus C, Baus J, Happel O, Heller AR, Richter T, Weinert M, Sedlmayr B, Sedlmayr M, St.Pierre M
Gedächtnis- und Entscheidungshilfen für Notfälle in der Anästhesiologie. Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Anästhesiologie & Intensivmedizin 61 (2020) 239-247, DOI Link |
Schaaf J, Sedlmayr M, Prokosch HU, Ganslandt T, Schade-Brittinger C, von Wagner M, Kadioglu D, Schubert Ka, Lee-Kirsch MA, Kraemer BK, Winner B, Mueller T, Schaefer JR, Wagner TOF, Bruckner-Tuderman L, Tuescher O, Boeker M, Storf H
The Status Quo of Rare Diseases Centres for the Development of a Clinical Decision Support System - A Cross-Sectional Study. Studies in health technology and informatics 271 (2020) 176-183, DOI Link |
Schaaf J, Sedlmayr M, Schaefer J, Storf H
Diagnosis of Rare Diseases: a scoping review of clinical decision support systems. Orphanet journal of rare diseases 15 (2020) 263, DOI Link |
Schaaf J, Prokosch HU, Boeker M, Schaefer J, Vasseur J, Storf H, Sedlmayr M
Interviews with experts in rare diseases for the development of clinical decision support system software - a qualitative study. BMC medical informatics and decision making 20 (2020) 230, DOI Link |
Schild S, Gruendner J, Gulden C, Prokosch HU, St Pierre M, Sedlmayr M
Data Model Requirements for a Digital Cognitive Aid for Anesthesia to Support Intraoperative Crisis Management Applied clinical informatics 11 (2020) 190-199, DOI Link |
Schmitt J, Lange T, Forkert C, Rößler M, Walther F, Knapp A, Karschau J, Gruhl M, Kümmel M, Gebler R, Löwe M, Sedlmayr M, Mogwitz A, Kleber C
Das DISPENSE-Tool: Dresdner Informations- und Prognosetool für Bettenauslastung in Sachsen German Medical Science GMS Publishing House (2020), DOI Link |
2019 | |
Gulden C, Landerer I, Nassirian A, Altun FB, Andrae J
Extraction and Prevalence of Structured Data Elements in Free-Text Clinical Trial Eligibility Criteria 258 (2019) 226 - 230, DOI Link |
Maier C, Christoph J, Schmidt D, Ganslandt T, Prokosch HU, Kraus S, Sedlmayr M
Experiences of Transforming a Complex Nephrologic Care and Research Database into i2b2 Using the IDRT Tools Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2019 (2019) 10, DOI Link |
Schild S, Sedlmayr B, Schumacher AK, Sedlmayr M, Prokosch HU, St. Pierre M
A Digital Cognitive Aid for Anesthesia to Support Intraoperative Crisis Management: Results of the User-Centered Design Process JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 7 (2019) e13226, DOI Link |
2018 | |
Prokosch H, Acker T, Bernarding J, Binder H, Boeker M, Boerries M, Daumke P, Ganslandt T, Hesser J, Höhning G, Neumaier M, Marquardt K, Renz H, Rothkötter H, Schade-Brittinger C, Schmücker P, Schüttler J, Sedlmayr M, Serve H, Sohrabi K, Storf H
MIRACUM: Medical Informatics in Research and Care in University Medicine. Methods of information in medicine 57 (2018), DOI Link |