2024 | |
Ahmadi N, Zoch M, Guengoeze O, Facchinello C, Mondorf A, Stratmann K, Musleh K, Erasmus HP, Tchertov J, Gebler R, Schaaf J, Frischen LS, Nasirian A, Dai J, Henke E, Tremblay D, Srisuwananukorn A, Bornhäuser M, Röllig C, Eckardt JN, Middeke JM, Wolfien M, Sedlmayr M
How to customize common data models for rare diseases: an OMOP-based implementation and lessons learned. Orphanet journal of rare diseases 19 (2024) 298, DOI Link |
Zoch M, Gierschner C, Andreeff AK, Henke E, Sedlmayr M, Müller G, Tippmann J, Hebestreit H, Choukair D, Hoffmann GF, Fritz-Kebede F, Toepfner N, Berner R, Biergans S, Verbücheln R, Schaaf J, Fleck J, Wirth FN, Schepers J, Prasser F
Secondary use of patient data within decentralized studies using the example of rare diseases in Germany: A data scientist's exploration of process and lessons learned. Digital health 10 (2024) 20552076241265219, DOI Link |
Zoch M, Gierschner C, Gebler R, Leutner LA, Kretschmer T, Danker A, Lee-Kirsch MA, Berner R, Sedlmayr M
Transition database for rare diseases and its use for clinical documentation. Health informatics journal 30 (2024) 14604582241259322, DOI Link |
2023 | |
Ahmadi N, Zoch M, Sedlmayr B, Schuler K, Hahn W, Sedlmayr M, Wolfien M
Context-Sensitive Common Data Models for Genetic Rare Diseases - A Concept. Studies in health technology and informatics 305 (2023) 139-140, DOI Link |
Ahmadi N, Zoch M, Kelbert P, Noll R, Schaaf J, Wolfien M, Sedlmayr M
Methods Used in the Development of Common Data Models for Health Data: Scoping Review. JMIR medical informatics 11 (2023) e45116, DOI Link |
2021 | |
Leutner LA, Bathelt F, Sedlmayr B, Sedlmayr M, Zoch M
Development of a Dashboard for Rare Diseases - A Technical Case Report. Studies in health technology and informatics 283 (2021) 78-85, DOI Link |
Zoch M, Gierschner C, Peng Y, Gruhl M, Leutner LA, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F
Adaption of the OMOP CDM for Rare Diseases. Studies in health technology and informatics 281 (2021) 138-142, DOI Link |
Zoch M, Sedlmayr B, Knapp A, Bathelt F, Helfer S, Schmitt J, Sedlmayr M
Interdisciplinary care path and potential IT support for people with rare diseases in Germany. Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen (2021), DOI Link |
2020 | |
Sedlmayr B, Knapp A, Kümmel M, Bathelt F, Sedlmayr M
Evaluation of a future scenario concerning the use of big data applications to improve the care of people with rare diseases. Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen (2020), DOI Link |